Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ps 62:1-2 - "I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. 2 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken." New Living Translation

In this fast paced world it is so easy for us to be overwhelmed with things we must do. Add to that the financial crunch all of us endure, the unknowns about government programs, the unknowns about world peace and you have a life filled with stress, worry, anxiety and at times hoplessness.

All of these things cause each day to be filled with instability. We wonder should we do this or buy that. Should we go there or stay here. Should we plan ahead or live for today. I have a suggestion. Well, it is not really my suggestion it is a suggestion from Jeduthun, a choir director in the time of David the King. He undoubtedly was aware of the times in which The King was living. There was unrest and enemies were plotting against David and his kingdom. From his pen came these words - I wait patiently before God, step number one to less stress and anxiety in our lives. Waiting on God is so difficult yet so rewarding. Patience is also a quality of God He wishes to instill in us. Step two, remember it is from God we receive the victory. We are not smart enough or strong enough to make the things happen that need to happen - we must wait on God and see His victory. His victory is sure and complete. Thirdly, remember He is our rock, our salvation, and our fortress. Not just any rock, not just any salvation, and not just any fortress. The rock is solid and stable. Our salvation is forever and the fortress is unshakable.

Wow. Think about that the next time we feel as though your world is about crumble. Look to God, wait for Him, live in His victory and build your life, your hopes, and your dreams on a rock that is solid, salvation that is eternal and live in His fortress that cannot be shaken.