Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Thoughts on Prayer

I recently saw a post on FB - "Worry - temporary atheism". That got me to thinking about how many times I worry about things. Most of the time I worry about things over which I have no control whatsoever. In speaking to the issue I came up with this thought...Worry is something we do when we want to be in control, but we can't be and we end up trying to figure how we can be. We spend hours trying to figure out how we can control or manipulate a situation in such a way as to bring about a conclusion we think is best. Often, we attempt to control situations that have nothing to do with us, but everything to do with those around us and we have convinced ourselves need fixing. In all our worry to control and fix we only end up loosing sleep, over/under eating, and bringing disruption to our own lives while never really affecting anyone around us - except we make them miserable by our constant attempts to fix them. In the words of a friend of mine, Eddie Smith, "Prayer is the ability to listen to the music of the future. Faith is the courage to dance to it today." Perhaps we should spend more time praying to a God Who IS in control, believing He already knows about the problems, spend less time worrying about the problems, and dancing to the music of God's resolution to the problem -even though we may not yet set the results.