Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Can The Righteous Do?

If you are like me, you are watching national events with interest and sometimes in angst. When I look at the world events my concern deepens. Am I afraid? Let's be honest - some. Aren't you? But, I have to keep reminding myself of Whose I am. I am a child of God and 1 Thessalonians 5:9 tells us we are not appointed to endure the wrath of God but rather His salvation through His only Son Jesus Christ!
I cringe at times as I see things I once thought unshakable begin to crack and crumble. My sense of security is sometimes shaken as I watch the mighty dollar lose value and the economy upon which the world has depended upon to be strong begins to shake and crack. I wonder what tomorrow holds as I watch giant industries thought to be above financial ruin begin to fall apart before our very eyes.
So what can the righteous do? We could become angry, throw bricks, shout objections and use worldly tactics to bring about what we think should be done. Or, we can fall on our faces before Almighty God, claim His promises, and live in the realms of His unshakable Kingdom. That doesn't mean I won't write a few letters or make a few phone calls to my legislators and it doesn't mean I will stop proclaiming from my pulpit the truth of God's word regarding the sin of man. I will continue to voice my voice to the government and from the pulpit. But I will find a contentment in understanding that only when the foundations of this world are shaken can the foundations of Eternity be revealed in their fullness. It is during these kinds of times I go into spiritual hiding. No, I don't put my head in the sand and ignore what is going on. What I mean is I simply go into the quiet place with God and I hide in Him. "You are my hiding place, You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance, whenever I am afraid I will trust in You."
If you are afraid - fear not for God is in control. Place your faith in Him. Hide yourself in Him. He will fill your heart with songs and He will deliver you from the battle of this world.
You are loved,
Pastor Roger

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