Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fresh Winds Of The Holy Spirit

If one was pleased with what God did on Sunday, then what expression could one use to describe what God did last night? As a pastor I could do nothing but laugh. Laugh? Yes, laugh - not a laugh brought on from some sort of a joke, but a laugh brought on by the Holy Spirit as I stood "dumbfounded" at what He has decided to do with our church. About 100+ people came to the service - about 65 of those came to an altar to "sanctified" - filled with the Spirit - emptied of self! I laughed with pure joy as I saw this most incredible response to the call of God. I want to share a portion of an email from one of our people - "I woke up at 5 this morning and could'nt go back to sleep. I can't wait until the service tonight. We went to ...... church for 29 yrs and we have been in Community Fellowship for 7 years. I have never been in a service like last night. This is exactly what we have been praying for. This is what its all about. Jesus definitely was there and I could feel a love of all the people for Jesus and each other. It was overwhelming. I didn't want it to end."
What else can I say? One more service tonight - what will God do? This does, however leave a pastor in an incredible delima - after standing before people who were not "getting it" before this week, I will now stand before a people who do "get it". What's the delima? What/how do I preach? The whole atmosphere is changed and charged. Well, I really do know the answer to that, it's just a question I never thought I would ask myself. I realize that as I listen to God, His Holy Spirit will equip me with His Words - just like before - only now I can truly expect a response and more importantly I can expect a people to be listening with different ears. This demands more time in the Word and more time on my knees in order to be so filled of God and empty of self that the Spirit flows through me. No longer will people listen with "passive" attention. They will listen "intently" expecting to hear from God through me. No more "self-effort" to try to bring about some sort of response to the Word of God. The effort now is reading enough of the Word and praying enough in the Spirit to insure the people DO hear from God - not from a pastor who preached from the "barrel" or preached a sermon given to someone else and given a tweek here and there to make it sound like my own - and nearly every preacher knows what I mean.
Come Holy Spirit - we NEED You! I will check in tomorrow with another report of an incredible God Who has done another incredible thing at Waco Community Fellowship.
Pastor Roger Huff

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