Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Revival Comes To Community Fellowship

Little did I know that I would once again see the Presence of God enter into the church. I saw that when I was 16 and now 42 years later I have been blessed to see it again. Some would contend that two and half hours of church on a Sunday Morning would be enough for the next couple of weeks, but then to spend four hours in the evening is just simply…fanatical. Well, then mark me down as fanatically in love with being in the Presence of God. I watched in wonder, amazement, and joy as the Presence of God broke through in our church today. Evangelist Dan Bohi spoke, later I learned not on what he had planned, about Elijah, a man “just like us” and Moses, “not the right person for the job”. He asked the question as to why we are not living in the miracles of God and the Presence of God. He asked where the passion and the fire have gone. I watched as 100% of this congregation rose to their feet in response to needing a fresh fire and wanting a fresh fire of passion rekindled in their hearts. Not 99% - 100% - every person that was there! In my church? I never thought I would see that. Fifteen or twenty, but all 130 people? Then the altar filled, not with every person, but to capacity and still no one left. The Presence of God filled the place and revival fire began.
Tonight – where do I start and what do I tell? I will make it short – Dan’s message of the necessity of “Spirit” and “Word” coming together in the church again, brought us to the understanding of why it is so difficult for these two to come together - Sin and fear. Sin and fear keep us from experiencing the beauty and power of God in our lives and in the church. After laying the Word out to us he invited those who had sin to confess and fear to shed, to come forward and do so. It started, and Lord forgive me, much to my surprise, it didn’t stop for the next three plus hours. Person and after person confessing sin and repenting, being filled with the spirit, asking for and confessing complete heart purification. From confessions of pornography to confessions of hatred and bitterness from a childhood of abuse – person after person came forward to be cleansed and filled. God did not fail to show up nor did He fail to cleanse and fill with His Holy Spirit. In a dry and desert place, rivers of living water came flowing and refreshed the heart and soul of this group of people at Waco Community Fellowship tonight. No more fear, no more night – and this is only Sunday. WOW – Wonder of Wonders we have Monday and Tuesday to go. It is not yet complete, but the Glory of God has indeed broken through in Waco. To God be the glory!

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